What is Peace City? The City Of The Future

In the dictionary a city is defined as a center of population, commerce and culture. Before the proliferation of the Internet, this definition required a city to exist in one geographic location (Physical City). Since the invention of tools like Google +, Google hangout, Youtube, Activeworlds Virtual Reality, GoTo Meeting and others the definition of a population center has dramatically changed. Commerce, social interaction and cultural accomplishments are increasingly thriving in virtual communities. While social networks allow virtual communities to form, they are NOT virtual cities. The difference between an online community and a virtual city is a common culture, a shared location and a common purpose.   

Peace City has a very specific purpose and culture:

  1. To create a place where citizens co-create a common vision for a positive future from anywhere in the world
  2. To showcase fascinating people and companies and their best ideas and innovations for the future
  3. To empower, inspire and entertain its population to achieve happier lives, professional success and better living circumstances.

Peace City Core Values:

  1. Coopration: People who combine their knowledge, energy and efforts can create solutions to otherwise unsurmountable challenges
  2. Potential: People are born beautiful and equipped with the potential to overcome the toughest challenges
  3. Innovation: Cutting edge technology, science and education can help solve any challenge a society is facing





The 3Ds of Peace City:
Peace Citizens believe that their goals can be accomplished by following the 3 steps below: 
  • Dream it
  • Do it
  • Deliver it

Peace City celebrates organizations with a positive vision for the future 

A company with a "Peace City" mentality is a modern organization with a positive vision for the future:

  • A place where you provide sustainable, enriching job experiences for your team

  • A place where you excel as a corporate citizen and contribute to a sustainable economy and a healthy planet

  • A place where the 2 benefits above allow you to return a sustainable reward to your shareholders 

Peace City celebrates transformational entertainment

Peace City - A Showcase For People and Ideas

By weaving together our individual and organizational success stories as well as our positive visions for our collective future, Peace City will become a source of consumer confidence. Imagine transcending the screen you are looking at and walking into a visually stunning theme park where every theme park attraction shows a positive vision for a “better future” (model school, organic farm, solar field, ....)

Peace City is not about software - It's about "heartware"


Peace City promotes a vision for healthy food and water


Peace City celebrates sustainable energy


Peace City celebrates a positive vision for the future

In Peace City we believe people are born special. Our vision is expressed by the city's founder in his "BOOK ONE" (excerpts can be found at www.principiaurbispacificae.com

The Peace City Vision expresses optimism that mankind will successfully manage the obstacles that people are facing today. 

The Peace City Vision 

describes a new "green global continent" where...

  • there is an abundance of food

  • there is an abundance of energy

  • there is a job for every woman & man 
    willing and to work

  • there is fun immersive education for everyone

  • the air is clean

  • the water is clear

  • the soil is balanced & healthy

  • living healthy or getting well is affordable

  • people have more time for friends & family

  • age and wisdom are respected as an asset

  • the workplace is inspiring, motivating & "green"

  • there are no agelines, no colorlines, no moneylines

  • an increasing number of processes including economic, ecological, social and intercultural processes are sustainable

The Peace City sources for growth are:  

Conservation - Education - Innovation

The Peace City vision draws a positive image of mankind:

The Peace City vision is based on the fundamental belief that people are capable of outstanding accomplishments against all odds using 3 basic steps. The 3Ds of Peace City:

Dream It - Do It - Deliver It


Visualize - Energize - Materialize




Thousands of  our case studies in the past decade have shown that the most important ingredient to progress is learning through immersion in a subject. Virtual reality will play an important part to offer fun immersive education. This confirms Edison that success comes from a little inspiration combined with a lot of perspiration. This fact turns the most unlikely visions into tangible goals.


The Peace City philosophy also contains the belief that people are in principal "good" as long as their environment provides a fair opportunity to survive and to learn. 


The exponential growth and acceleration of innovation has outpaced biological evolution and because of internet connectivity progress can be spread globally in real time. The green global continent, a 3 dimensional internet will become a conservation destination helping to save energy and to improve lifestyles.


























































Copyright Montechristo International Inc. 1998 -2010  
peacecity3d.com, peacecity.tv, greenglobaloffice.com, mylegacywebsite.com, greeninnovationstation.com, 
peacecityairport.com and  principiaurbispacificae.com contain copyrighted material, trademarks and other proprietary information, including,
 but not limited to, text, software, photos, video, graphics, music and sound, and the entire contents of  
all related sites  are copyrighted as a collective work under the United States copyright laws. 
The contributors own the copyright of their presented creative works. Except as otherwise 
expressly permitted under copyright law, no copying, redistribution, retransmission,
 publication or commercial exploitation of downloaded material will be permitted without the express 
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